Timber Sash & Casement Windows

Bespoke Timber Sash Windows

Bespoke, single or double-glazed timber box sash windows, crafted to the highest quality from sustainable timber.

Using state of the art machinery in our purpose-built manufacturing facility, we can produce timber window units to your exact specification. We can match existing designs, undertaking a site visit to establish your exact requirements. Alternatively we can work from your drawings to create contemporary styles.

Sollex sash windows meet UK conservation area criteria, including listed buildings, and comply with Document L Building Regulations.

Bespoke Timber Casement Windows

Crafted beposke from the timber of your choice, we can match any existing window style, both period and contemporary, providing double-glazed and weather-sealed casement windows with a range of hinging options.

Our casement windows meet UK conservation criteria and building regulations, combining crafted timber windows with modern thermal insulation qualities.

See our Sash Window and Casement Window installations.